Dear Prakriti

We all write poems to our lovers, so I write one to mine.

It’s me—my greatest love.

Who understands my unspoken words,

knows what hurts me, knows when I’m being vain, cruel, fake, real.

Dear Prakriti, thank you for holding on, shedding tears, and facing fears.

I love you, I love you.

When the ghosts come at night and I hide under covers,

You know how my heart beats

Or if I dare and face the phantom

You know how my heart beats

Dear Prakriti, dare, dare, dare.

You were never, and are never a spectator,

You are the art, the show, the star.

I have come to you, to tell you, I know you,

I see you, I believe in you.

My dear Prakriti, I love you.

