I think I think too much

Prakriti Adhikari
2 min readMay 5, 2022

I think I think too much. No, not in an overthinking kind of way, more like in an I don’t know kind of way, wait I will describe it to you. I am afraid I might sound preachy but who cares? nobody cares about women's rights or basic human rights anymore, why should I care about me sounding preachy? Yes, I’m in a mood. Let’s start.

Tell me, do you feel jealous sometimes? Like you know you shouldn’t but you do, and sometimes you have evil thoughts like you wish something bad happens to someone( nobody wants to be evil, no happy person goes around hurting people), you hope someone doesn’t get that promotion, doesn’t get into that elite university, doesn’t get good grades, good wife, good husband, good kids. Tell me that you’ve never hoped for that. If you say no, either you’re two or I hope your pants are on fire.

Now now, don’t be embarrassed, I know we all wish we didn’t think like that( if you are self-aware that is) but who are we fooling? we’re puny little human beings being tested every day with buckets of emotions and none of us is strong enough. We all succumb to one or two or all of these feelings, we give in, and honestly what else are we supposed to do? There are two options before us, head up to the mountain wearing a scarf, to meditate, but seriously what is up with that? has anyone seen rishis and sadhus wearing a sweater or a jacket? North face needs to target that market in my opinion( hey just a suggestion). I go out of topic like Nepali youth run out of the country, anyway, the second option is we feel bad, try to accept it, overthink everything, and here comes anxiety or depression, or we ignore every such feeling and live in a delusion( best idea IMO) be happy, get called dumb for not seeing the reality of the world?! Like chill bro I’m just fighting off the feelings of wishing you get pimples.

The rishis and sadhus( Sorry for coming at you guys like this but hey you’re my content) are the way they are because they want to be free from such human greed, anger, basically every human emotion? and honestly what’s the fun in that? but good for them, great for them, their life their choice(Something the lawmakers have absolutely no idea about). I don’t know about you but I have no intention of becoming a sadhu anytime soon, I don’t know the white sari won’t suit me( see I'm being shallow, I am feeling the feels). So what is the point? I don’t know? google it. Yeah, I think I think too much.

